
Datar Cancer Genetics


• Currently standard screening is available only for cancers of the breasts, lungs, prostate, cervix, and colon as individual procedures.
• Having to undergo a separate screening test for each cancer type may be inconvenient as it may necessitate prior appointments and may involve wait times.
• There is an overall low compliance with screening procedures due to these and other factors.
• Further, there are several cancers, including aggressive types, for which screening is not currently offered.

A simple non-invasive, non-radiological test that has the capability to detect single cancer or multiple types of cancers in asymptomatic individuals is an unmet clinical need.

Such a test can effectively identify individuals who may benefit from screening procedures as well as additional follow-up.

Such a test can also improve compliance with cancer screening and help improve early detection as well as early detection rates.

Such a test can help expand the scope of early detection to include several aggressive cancers.

About Trucheck

Trucheck is an advanced non-invasive blood test which provides evidence of an underlying malignancy via a safe, simple and quick blood draw. Trucheck evaluates blood sample to detect ‘Circulating Tumor Cells’ (CTCs), which are cancer cells that escape from the tumor and enter the blood stream. Trucheck enriches these CTCs from the blood sample and confirms their identity via a process called ‘Immunocytochemistry’ (ICC). A positive CTC finding is indicative of the presence of an underlying cancer whereas when CTCs are undetectable, the patient may not have a cancer.

Reliable Technology

Trucheck detects CTCs, which are known to be present (and detected ubiquitously) in most types of cancers called solid tumors. Several prior clinical studies, including DCG’s own acclaimed studies have shown that CTCs are detectable even in very early Stage 0 (in situ cancer) as well as Stage I and Stage II. CTCs are detected across all solid organ tumor types and subtypes, in men and women. CTCs do not exist in individuals without cancer. CTCs are undetectable in blood of patients with noncancerous (benign) tumors. Owing to these properties, CTCs have high accuracy for cancer detection.

Clinical Performance

Trucheck™ has been developed and validated by analysis of more than
40,000 samples in large cohort studies which have established its high accuracy.

Trucheck is currently available for:

Trucheck – Intelli can Detect 70+ Types of Cancers

Melanoma, Head and Neck, Salivary Gland, Thyroid, Lung, Breasts, Liver, Biliary Tract, Gastro-Intestinal, Soft Tissue and Osteosarcomas, Mesothelioma, Urinary Tract, Gynaecological, Male Cancers including Prostate, CNS, Thymus, Adrenal, Skin.

Trucheck – Femmesafe

An annual blood test to detect women’s cancers

Trucheck is a safe and reliable test that can help detect cancers more effectively, which can assist physicians to make timely life-saving diagnostic and clinical management decisions.

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